8945 Veterans Memorial Pkwy, O'Fallon, MO 63366 WORSHP SERVICES: 8:00 am with Holy Communion • 9:30 am Sunday School and Adult Bible Class • 10:45 am with Holy Communion Saturday • 3:00 pm with Holy Communion

Starting Preschool
Registration for the 2024-25 school year is open! Students must be 3 or 4 years old by August 1, 2024.
Please email preschool@hcross.com or call 636-272-4505 to schedule a personal tour.
Complete the 2 page Registration Form 2023-24, with the $140 registration fee. You may drop it off or mail it to 8945 Veterans Memorial Pkwy, O’Fallon, MO 63366. In mid July you will receive a Parent Packet with all the start of school details and forms.
Parent Meeting
Mid August, we will have a brief meeting in the church sanctuary. Please have at least one parent present to return the parent packet forms and receive a handbook with information needed throughout the year. You will also be able to ask any questions you may have. If other caregivers will be involved while your child is attending preschool, they are welcome to attend as well. To make maximum use of our time together, please do not bring children with you.
Home Visits
To make the first day more comfortable for your child, we will be scheduling a brief 10 – 15 minute visit with your child in your home or in the classroom in August. Dates are listed in the Parent Packet. Parents sign up for a time at the parent meeting. The teacher will read a story with your child and answer parent questions. This will allow students to become comfortable with coming to the classroom on the first day of school.
First Day of School:
3 year old class & Extended Education: September 6, 2022
4 year old class: September 7, 2022
Preschool morning classes are from 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and afternoon classes are from 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Extended Education programs are available from 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Classroom supplies and snacks are provided through the Registration fee and tuition. Your child will need a backpack/book bag that opens on top. For the first Show & Share, students will need to bring a family picture between 3 x 5” to 5 x 7” to be displayed in the room all year. These pictures provide a valuable connection between home and school.
Communication is a vital part of our working together for your child. Information about what we will be learning, Show & Share and special events will be in the Monthly Calendars & Weekly Parent Newsletters. There are 3 ways to receive your Preschool News: printed copy in your child’s cubby, the website Parent Page and the Bloomz Communication app. Bloomz (https://www.bloomz.net) is a private group app with usage similar to Facebook that will help you see:
• Frequent updates on what your child is doing and learning
• Photos of class activities with a 1 click download option on your desktop
• Invitation requests to events/field trips
• Volunteer requests and ability to sign up right in the app
• Parent Teacher Conference signups
• Messaging feature to instantly message one of our staff or another parent.
• Class calendar including closures, emergency alerts, special events with reminders
We cannot wait to meet you and your children!
Contact Us
Phone: 636-272-4505
Preschool Office: Extension 106
Extended Education Classroom: Extension 109
Email: preschool@hcross.com
Address: 8945 Veterans Memorial Parkway, O’Fallon, MO 63366